Frequently Asked Questions
How many Australian films are in need of restoration / digitisation and how many have already been lost?
It is difficult to be precise about figures like these. There are records of many early Australian films for which no existing copy can be found and the National Film and Sound Archive is working hard at locating these. However we estimate there are at least 1,000 Australian feature films that exist on celluloid but are not streaming-ready or even able to be screened in cinemas as the use of digital projectors is now standard. These are the films that are eligible for AFFF funded digitisation. More information about Australia's 'Lost Films' can be found here:
How does AFFF support and compliment the work of the National Film & Sound Archive?
NFSA Restores iconic and cult Australian feature films are now being digitally preserved and made available to audiences once again. AFFF seeks to compliment this work of the NFSA by offering digital preservation opportunities to the many Australian feature films that are as equally deserving but may have less profile, be considered 'forgotten' or be the work of contemporary film makers struggling to find a platform for their films. We are working with the NFSA to achieve the digitisation of a critical mass of Australian film, thereby increasing the 'discoverability' of these cultural assets both now and for generations to come. To learn more about the National Sound and Film Archive visit:
AFFF and NFSA share the same objective of developing opportunities for people everywhere to engage with and celebrate Australian film. We see digitisation as fundamental to increasing access to our national catalogue of films. Through programs
What is involved in restoring and digitising a film?
The complexity and cost of a restoration varies widely according to the condition of the film, its length, and the unique technical specifications of the film. New digital film elements must be created through a process of scanning, cleaning, colour grading and audio syncing which then serves as the long term preservation master. Various file formats can be created from the master to enable a variety of screening options – streaming, digital cinema, etc.
What level of financial support is available to film makers/owners from AFFF?
We anticipate the majority of AFFF grant recipients will receive support to the value of $5,000 to $10,000. In most cases this will be sufficent to significantly clean, grade and digitise their film to broadcast condition.
Can successful grant applicants use AFFF funding to digitise their films themselves?
No. Our grants program enables films to be digitised at our associated digital studios only. Funding is not given directly to film owners but rather to our studio partners – Roar Digital and Fats Digital – to cover the cost of any work required. You can discover more about our studio partners here:
If I donate to AFFF can I nominate which film(s) my gift will help restore?
We welcome suggestions for film restorations from our supporters and enjoy engaging in conversations on the subject. However, the allocation of AFFF grants is decided by our Board of Directors based on criteria such as a film's cultural significance, it's resonnance in the public domain, the urgent need for restoration and maintaining diversity and fairness.
What is Ozflix and how will films supported through AFFF be licensed to the service?
Ozflix is a new streaming platform dedicated entirely to Australian film. It will enter the market in the second half of 2016. Oxflix will operate on a TVOD model (pay-per-view), providing digital film rentals to audiences at competitive prices. The service will take advantage of developing technology to provide a one-stop destination for audiences to rediscover Australian classics and to help launch independent new voices. The Australian Film Future Foundation was created by the directors of Ozflix as a non-profit organisation designed to both protect our cinematic heritage and to support our industry in a modern digital environment. Films digitised through AFFF grants will be licensed to Ozflix on a three year, Australia only, streaming distribution agreement. Grant recipients will be free to explore other screening, broadcasting and distribution opportunities for their AFFF funded digitised films. Visit the Ozflix launch page and stay up to date with Ozflix developments by subscribing to their mailing list: